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WEF by the Numbers

Since 1984, through the generous support of our donors, WEF has funded grants to educators in the Wellesley Public Schools System.  Over the last 10 years, WEF has granted over $2.3 million to our schools, reaching over 5,000 students across all grade levels.

We have shown our commitment to Wellesley Public Schools by funding programs that enhance or support the curriculum, including equipment and instructional materials for math, science and language art programs, author visits to the schools, and creative writing workshops.  WEF also supports the advancement of District-wide priorities such as Social Emotional Learning, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and, advancement of 21st Century Learning through the WPS Profile of a Graduate.


WEF also believes in the value of supporting educators in their professional development.  With WEF funding, individual teachers and departments have stayed up to date on the newest innovations in teaching or their subject area. Across the District, large numbers of educators and leaders have attended Harvard Graduate School of Education’s  Data Wise program, or Buck Institute for Education (PBL Works) to learn how to implement Project Based Learning in the classroom.

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P.O. Box 812321

Wellesley, MA 02482

© 2017 Wellesley Education Foundation. Wellesley Education Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) foundation with a mission of advancing innovation and excellence in the Wellesley Public Schools. Click here to view or download our tax exemption documentation.

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